Tag Archive for: youtube

25 Stats, Numbers & Tidbits for Digital Marketers

Marketers and researchers love numbers, data and insights.  So here are a 25 numbers, stats and tidbits of interest for Digital Marketers.

25 Stats, Numbers & Tidbits for Digital Marketers

Image courtesy of www.tagxedo.com

Facebook: (source)

  • More than a Billion Users
  • 55% of daily users are using mobile
  • 59% of ad revenue is from ads on mobile devices
  • 65% of interaction with content is still done on desktops


  • There are more than 3.9 billion email addresses worldwide.  That number is expected to grow to 4.9 within three years (source)
  • According to one survey 84% of people shop online regularly and  27% are willing or very willing to receive promotional email (source)
  • 77% of the online shoppers who’ve signed up to receive promotional emails reported that they are more likely to purchase items online or in store if emails feature products based on their shopping habits and preferences (same source as previous line)

Youtube (source)

  • If you want to drive engagement, Youtube is your channel.  Research has shown that Youtube drives the most engaging traffic with most time spent on site, the most pages/visit (2.99) and the lowest bounce rate at 43.19%

Selfies (source)

  • Think you are cool doing selfies?  Think again.  Just under 50% of Americans under the age of 34 think selfies are uncool and 77% of people over 35 think that posting selfies is uncool.

Social Media and the Fortune 500 (source )

  • The good news is that the use of social media by Fortune 500 companies grew to 88% this year.
  • LinkedIn remains platform of choice.
  • Facebook saw a resurgence increasing back to 84% use.
  • Twitter use grew by 7% and is seen to have the most potential for sales growth.
  • Sadly monitoring a brand’s name, products and brand however has lost traction – with such incidents as US Air inappropriate tweet, it will be interesting to see if this will change throughout the year.
  • 75% of executives said they used original or reposted content for their social media channels.
  • According to the report, 59% of companies monitor its brands, products or company name in the social media space, down from 70% in 2010.  A lack of monitoring, suggests the report, could have consequences for companies given the potential for viral communications social media presents.

TV (source)

  • At the end of 2013, 77% of Americans own at least one HDTV and 46% have multiple HDTV.

M-Commerce (source)

  • sales are expected to hit Sales To Hit $57.8 Billion In 2014.

Mobile (source)

  • Did you know that 65% people say free information remains the most important attribute when selecting an information source to search for a local business.
  • Free content was followed by being able to trust a source at 59%.
  • Getting timely information came in third at 58%.
  • And relevant content came in fourth at 54%.
  • And strangely enough providing the correct amount of information came in next at 44%.
  • The ability to get more detailed information was the sixth most important at 41%.
  • And finally offering advertising free came in last at 41%.

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3 Things the Jimmy Kimmel Twerking Prank Should Teach Us

Jimmy Kimmel did a fantastic job pranking the world.  Yes, the world.  A fake video uploaded to YouTube with a girl twerking and catching fire not only went viral with more than 9 million views on YouTube, but mainstream media went crazy over it.  So, what should this prank teach us?

Image from the Jimmy Kimmel reveal

Image from the Jimmy Kimmel reveal

1. Just because it is on social doesn’t mean it is true!

What ever happened to critical reasoning?  Have we blindly become a society of people who will believe whatever we see?  Apparently so.  When did social become the one source of truth.  Why didn’t mainstream media investigate? Why did they care?  I hope that this is not indication of what is to come.  We need the media.  We need them to be able to investigate and tell the truth.  After all, media remain one of the few trusted sources of information based on the latest Edelman Trust Barometer.

2.  People are fickle

As a whole we want to believe ridiculous things happen and kind of enjoy watching people make fools of themselves. (Although I must confess that I did not watch the video until I saw the Jimmy Kimmel unveiling of the prank)

3.  We have Lost Perspective

When did twerking, regardless of who is doing it, become our fascination?  More people have paid attention to this original prank than some much more important and relevant issues. Case in point:  a news story in my city has unveiled some serious criticisms of our local hospital.  While in said hospital yesterday I overheard two health-care workers  talking in an elevator.  The Miley Cyrus twerking story came up and both knew about that.  The story, which directly impacts them about their hospital, was only known by one of the two workers.  This story has been all over the media for days. I can’t imagine that it is not being spoken of a lot in the hospital.  How sad that someone would know about twerking versus something that they are a part of.

What are your thoughts on this prank and people not valuing the important issues that can directly impact them?  Have we become too fickle and lost perspective?