The Sunday Brief (June 15, 2014)
Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief. The Sunday Brief is intended to be my medium to share with you a few of my top picks from the previous week in one short collection. I can’t believe that we are already in the middle of June. School is ending for another year and people’s minds will begin, if they have not already, to shift to summer holidays. But before we drift off into the lazy days of summer, here are my top three picks from the previous week:
1. Michael Hyatt’s Why People Who Sleep Longer Achieve More (@MichaelHyatt)
Now I confess that I like sleep. I know it does wonders for me. I am certainly at my best in the morning after a great night’s sleep and enjoy getting up early. So, any study, theory or post on getting sleep and its importance resonates with me. I know from experience that sleep does help me remember things better and be much more focused and clear. Definitely worth a read.
2. Why Apple Doesn’t Tweet by KISSmetrics (@KISSmetrics)
I like this post as it reinforces what many of us have known for a long time. And, more importantly it is “the” example of what every marketer dreams of. Why Tweet and have an account when all your advocates and influencers- your customers – are doing it for you. I am a relatively new Mac convert – only three years, but as I sit here typing on my Mac and my iPhone connected to said Mac and my iPad 15 feet away from me, I realize the true value of the product and how I have counselled many on making the purchase. It is sheer brilliance and reinforcement that good products produce really great brand ambassadors.
3. 35 Life Lessons I Learned from My Father
And, last but not least is my fav. Not because I wrote it, but because on this Fathers’ Day, it is special to me. Next month will mark 34 years that my mother lost her husband and my brother and I lost our father. While sometimes it feels like yesterday and others a lifetime, the fact is that despite only having him in my life for a few short years, I learned a tremendous amount from him. He was an amazing man, husband and father. Happy Fathers’ Day to all the great fathers out there. May all kids have the kind of father I had.
Well those are my three top picks for the week. There are always so many to choose from. Check in next week for the next three. Have a post you want to suggest? Feel free to connect with me @MacLeanHeather
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