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Slider Sizing Test


business, lifestyle

Slider Sizing Test


business, lifestyle

Slider Sizing Test

We Provide the Following Services:


Through in-depth interviews, audits, research and analysis, our strategists work to position you for growth.

TaylorMade Strategists serve as CMO-level leadership for our clients, providing insight into their existing business strategies and tactics, their competitive landscape as well as the short and long-term plan for achieving their business goals.

TaylorMade Solutions specializes in Inbound Marketing and the Customer Journey. Having worked with some of the leading companies in North America, we understand Inbound Marketing that focuses on ROI.


Whether it is TaylorMade workshops or off-the-shelf training, we work with our clients to provide solutions so that our clients can be trained so that they can be prepared.

Some of our most popular training and workshop sessions include:

iconBuilding Your Social Media Strategy
iconCybersecurity Communications Playbook
iconMedia Relations
iconSocial Media Playbook Prep
iconBuilding Your Inbound Marketing Strategy
iconCybersecurity Media Relations

Whether it’s a rebranding initiative, integrated marketing strategies, inbound marketing, web design, graphic design, email marketing, preparing for a cybersecurity MarComm issue and/or media training, we believe that our clients need to:

Be Trained! Be Prepared! And,

Have a TaylorMade Solution!

Recent blog posts (v1)

Facial Recognition, Privacy

Facebook and Facial Recognition? A Bad Combination!

If we have learned anything over the years, social media platforms,…
Heather MacLean, Privacy

Six Things to Do When Your Bank Has Been Hacked

Each day we hear about different companies that have experienced a hack or data breach. Somehow however, when we learn it is was bank that was hacked, it is quite different. Many more of us become very concerned for our privacy and more importantly, we become extremely concerned about our financial security. Rightly so. Our […]
Heather-Anne MacLean, Cybersecurity

Hundreds of Thousands of Good Paying Jobs! Are you in?

Does this headline seem like a sales pitch that is too good to be true? You might think so, but it is not. The fact is each day organizations – small, medium, large, for profit, not-for-profit, etc. are in need for cybersecurity professionals. As October is cybersecurity awareness month, I wanted to highlight the opportunities […]
TaylorMade Solutions, Heather MacLean

Data Privacy, Breaches and the Impact on Your Bottom Line

Why Boards of Directors Are Losing Sleep Over Data Breaches   Like many news stories, we become numb to the constant barrage of data breaches and begin to think that it is both normal and acceptable. In fact, just last month it was revealed that thousands of patient records were held for ransom in Ontario […]
TaylorMade Solutions

Six Tips for Consumers to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Cybercrime

I believe that information is power. I know that every person that uses the internet could become a victim of cybercrime. Cybercriminals are becoming much, much better at duping us and getting us to willingly give up our credit card numbers. So, as I started out with, knowledge is power and I want to offer […]
TaylorMade Solutions

Three Reasons To Stop Using Auto Direct Messages

Have you ever followed someone on Twitter and shortly after received a direct message thanking you for following? Of course you have. The real question is however, what was the content in that message? Was it a nice personal and specific message to you? Or, was it an “auto direct message” with some obvious attempt […]

SEO and Inbound Marketing in Construction Industry

[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by two St. Thomas University Students: Alexandra Swift and Allison Bruder. It was completed as part of a course assignment in the fall of 2017] In this interview with ThermaRay’s president Kevin Kilbride, we explored the topics of inbound marketing, search engine optimization and global marketing. ThermaRay was […]

Why I Will Never Wish You Happy Birthday Again on Social Media

Not a day goes by that I don’t see friends or family celebrating their birthday. I know it is their birthday because I see both the reminders on social media – Facebook and LinkedIn – and the countless scores of people who are sending their best wishes. In fact, I used to be one of […]
Heather Anne MacLean

Four Signs You Don’t Understand Social Media: Do You Follow/Unfollow?

There is a trend that I have noticed lately on Twitter. It has…

Entry Level Cybersecurity Jobs Paying More than Entry Level Lawyers

While this headline might be salacious to some, it’s reality.…

Sears Passing Triggers Longing for Family & Traditions

[Editor's note: I wrote this piece just before Christmas 2017…
Intel, Heather-Anne MacLean

Intel’s Security Flaw Puts Spotlight on Security by Design

Well, 2018 is starting off with a significant cybersecurity and…
The Sunday Brief

The Sunday Brief for Sunday August 20, 2017

For this Sunday Brief I am focusing on the top blogs I enjoyed…
cybersecurity, cyber security

Four Reasons You Should Have Cybersecurity Insurance

Do you have insurance on your house? Of course you do. So, the…
TaylorMade Solutions (Canada)

5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Irish or Saint Patrick’s Day

Did you know that New Brunswick's oldest City - Saint John -…
social media, TaylorMade Solutions

How to Spot a Bad Social Media Practitioner

I had one of those moments this morning. You know that exact…

An Interview With Cybersecurity Expert: Dr. Natalia Stakhanova

Cybersecurity risk management and mitigation is at the forefront…
Personal Branding

New Year: Time to Audit Your Online Presence!

I always think that people should take a good long look at their…

12 Great Cybersecurity Resources To Help Protect Your Business

Did you know that cyber-attack fallout could cost the global…

Warning: 63% of Small/Medium Enterprises are Targeted by Cyber Criminals – Are YOU Ready?

For many small/medium enterprises there is a belief that cybercrime…
Customer Service

Why Your Customer Service is Failing

Are sales not what you expect? Are repeat customers non-existent?…

4 Things Professionals Don’t Do on LinkedIn

It’s official! I have been on LinkedIn for more than 10 years…

The New Brunswick Challenge – Can You Rise to this Challenge?

If you live in New Brunswick, keep reading. If you don’t it’s…

7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Irish or Saint Patrick’s Day

We all love to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, don't we? Even…

12 Proven Methods to Increase Your Traffic

Aren't we all looking for ways to increase our blog and website…

3 #Cybersecurity Must Reads for This Week

Cybersecurity is top of mind for a lot of people, and for good…

Why Words Matter When Building Organizational Culture

As a people manager, consultant and coach, I continue to be amazed…

5 Things I Learned from Teaching University Students

As another term starts, I can’t help but reflect on the last…

6 Signs You Aren’t Really A Team Player

Our work environments can often be a very competitive space where…
Press Release is Dead

5 Reasons the Press Release is Dead

Ever get the feeling that you just don't get the same pick up…

The Smell of Sales – How Small Business Can Use Scent to Sell

There are many things that influence sales. In an earlier post…

The Sunday Brief (April 19, 2015)

Well, it's another Sunday and I sit thinking of the week that…

Shel Israel: How Technology Is Changing the Buyer-Seller Relationship

Are you ready? Is your company ready? Technology is drastically…

The Customer Service Lies You Continue To Tell

Customer service! It can set you apart from your competitors.…

The Secret Behind Every Successful Executive and Business: Reinvention

Have you ever wondered what makes some people more successful…
Social Media Profiles

3 Easy Tips to Freshen Up Your Social Media Profiles

When was the last time you updated your social media profiles?…

Why the New Domain “.sucks”…Well…Sucks for Business!

There are countless blogs and messages right now encouraging…

5 Ways to Use Influencer Marketing

The term ‘Influencer Marketing’ can mean different things…

Why Influence Still Matters

When you are about to make a purchase, what do you do? If you…

4 Ridiculously Simple Tips to Improve Your Email Communications

Whether you get too much or not enough of it, each email that…

3 Social Media Mistakes You are Making & How to Fix Them Immediately

While social media is not the new kid on the block anymore, we…
content marketing

Busted: I Haven’t Practiced What I Preach

I admit it. I have not been practicing what I preach. For those…

3 Essential Tips to Start an Influencer Relations Program

Whether you have a small business or a well-established business,…

5 Ways Your Start-up Can Really Leverage Growth Hacking

As a start-up, money and resources are tight.  If you are lucky,…

The Sunday Brief (July 20, 2014)

Well, we are back. I admit it. We missed a couple of weeks. Tropical…

How to Avoid the Reputation Mistakes of Lululemon

Once the darling of women across Canada and the United States…

6 Easy Tips to Overcome Communication Failures

We all think we can communicate. After all, we are all good listeners.…

Canadian Anti-spam Law: What You Don’t Know May Hurt You

Well, we are now more than a week into the new Canadian Anti-spam…

Book Review: The Confidence Code by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman

I first heard of this book while listening to The Current, a…


What do you picture when you think of Facebook? The first thing…

Canada’s Anti-spam Law (CASL) Just Made Inbound Marketing More Important

It's official.  As of yesterday Canada's new Anti-spam Law affectionately…

The Sunday Brief (June 29, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s The Sunday Brief. As I sit listening…

4 Ways You Are Damaging Your Career

I recently met up with a former colleague who just didn't seem…

4 Lessons to Lighten the Mood in Challenging Times

It's officially summer. It's hot. It's humid. It's road construction…

Reaching the C-Suite with Content: How to Crack the Code

Marketing and sales professionals all want to reach the C-Suite.…

4 Easy Marketing Tips for Nonprofits

If you have ever worked for or with nonprofits, you know that…

The Sunday Brief (June 22, 2014)

Welcome to this week's The Sunday Brief.  Like every week, I…

9 Myths About the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

Since the announcement that Canada is implementing new anti-spam…

7 Lessons in Leadership from an 8 Year Old

We have all heard Hilary Clinton’s famous line of “It Takes…

The Influencer Series – An Interview with Mark Schaefer

This week the Influencer Series speaks with Mark W. Schaefer,…

The Sunday Brief (June 15, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief.  The Sunday Brief is…

35 Life Lessons I Learned from My Father

With Fathers’ Day only days away, I couldn’t help to think…

How to use Hashtags Like a Pro

Do hashtags confuse you?  Do you wonder why people use them? …

How to be a Rockstar When Live Tweeting

Live Tweeting while at an event can be a great tactic for a brand…

The Shocking Way You Are Alienating Your Customers

Have you ever been a loyal customer? Sure you have. Have you…

The Sunday Brief (June 1, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief.  The Sunday Brief is…

If I Were 22 – Advice to Women (From LinkedIn Post)

Note:  this post previously appeared on LinkedIn's series, If…

How to Have the Perfect Professional Twitter Bio

Do you use your personal Twitter handle for professional purposes? …

The #1 Reason People Fail at Social Media

I have been working in social media now for more than a decade…

The Sunday Brief (May 25, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief.  The Sunday Brief is…

5 Essential Tips to Ensure Survey Completion

Yesterday I received an email from a local company that wanted…

The Sunday Brief (May 18, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief.  The Sunday Brief is…

3 Reasons Why Celebrating is Important to Your Bottom Line

As I get ready to celebrate the 16th Annual Knowledge Industry…

An Interview with C.C. Chapman – The Influencer Series

I recently had a chance to check in with C.C. Chapman, Storyteller,…

5 Content Marketing Tips for Start-ups

Entrepreneurs have a lot on their minds when doing a start-up.…

The Sunday Brief (May 11, 2014)

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Brief.  The Sunday Brief is…

9 Media Interview Tips for Start-Ups

Start-ups have a lot going on.  Not only do they have very few…

US Airways and #myNYPD Demonstrate Need for Professional Community Management

Let’s face it, even with a decade of social media under our…

6 Tips to Protect Your Personal Data, Including Your Digital Exhaust

How much thought do you give to your personal information that…

11 Reasons to Celebrate LinkedIn’s 11 Years

First off, Happy Birthday LinkedIn!  As a Tween, you have a…

The Sunday Brief

Welcome to the Sunday Brief!  I have compiled a list of blog…

Social Media Measurement – Tips from the Experts

Despite social media being a part of our lexicon for more than…

25 Stats, Numbers & Tidbits for Digital Marketers

Marketers and researchers love numbers, data and insights.  So…

Is LinkedIn the Next Tool for Super Spam?

Remember the email from a certain part of the world that offered…

Google+ Going…Going…Gone?

Late last week many Marketers were reminded that their profession…

10 Tips to Execute a Perfect Webinar

As a part of my day-to-day, I regularly participate in webinars…

Interview with David Alston – The Influencer Series

David Alston is the Chief Innovation Officer at Introhive, an…

7 Secrets to Customer Acquisition & Ongoing Customer Satisfaction

As a VP of sales who has worked in all functional areas and trained…

Insider Secrets to Using Emotions to Influence Buyer Behaviour

When making purchasing decisions we like to think that we are…

Leadership 101 – Respect the Skills of Staff

When I was still at university, I learned a most valuable lesson…

How to Get More out of Twitter in 9 Easy Steps

Want to learn even more? Sign up for our newsletter at TaylorMade…

Risk Mitigation: The #1 Reason To Have A Workplace Social Media Policy

Social networking sites are everywhere, including the workplace.…

How You Tell Your Prospects, Customers Stakeholders You Don’t Care About Them

Whether you work for a small business owner, a start-up, a not-for-profit…

Easy Tips to Help You Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

These are some basic tips for your LinkedIn profile. We can…

3 Quick & Easy Tips to Freshen Your Social Media Profiles for Spring

Think Spring cleaning is just for your home?  Think again. …
Fake Twitter Followers - image courtesy of

Busted: Why Buying Twitter Followers Makes You A Fake

Each week I get at least a dozen “people” who start following…

The Cost of Ignoring Social Media (What You Need to Know)

Is your company still in denial thinking that you don’t need…

12 Questions Experts Avoid Asking in Interviews

As hiring managers or recruiters we all want to hire the best…

Be a Branding Genius Like American Pickers’ Mike Wolfe

How would you like to debut your brand to 3.1 million people? …

How To Look Like a Recruitment Rockstar

According to Jobvite and its annual Social Recruiting Survey,…

Mitigate Business Risks: Implement a Social Media Council

Collaboration and cooperation are important components of a business…

50 Free or Low-Cost Apps for Small Businesses

For many small businesses, keeping up with all of the latest…

Interview with Jeffrey Hayzlett – The Influencer Series

Jeffrey Hayzlett is a Primetime TV Show Host, Bestselling Author…

How Not to Get Hired (Or, Get Fired Once Hired)

Over that last several months I have been working with clients…

International Women’s Day – What Things Look Like From a 12-Year Old Girl

In honour of International Women’s today, which is tomorrow,…

To Pay or Not Pay Industry Influencers – Part 2 with Jeff Bullas

In the first part of our interview with Jeff Bullas, we discussed…

The Influencer Series – An Interview with Jeff Bullas, Part 1

7 Key Trends You Shouldn’t Ignore Influencer Marketing and…

Don’t Feed the Trolls – Research Reveals Psychopathy

For any person managing a company blog, Facebook Page or other…

Business Counsellor’s: The Top 10 Tips to Start Your Own Business

Guest Blog Post by Andrew Campbell, Business Development Specialist As…

Olympic Hockey a Case Study in Second Screen Usage

As I sat watching the Gold Medal Hockey Game for Sochi, my thoughts…

6 Tips to Market to the Start-up Entrepreneur (& the #1 Way)

I don’t care where you are located, start-ups and the people…

Good Leaders Don’t Preach, They Act

Over the years I have worked with some brilliant people.  I…

3 Clues that Your Social Media Consultant is Clueless

Whether you are biting the bullet and just starting to use social…

How You Tell Your Customers (on a daily basis) That Your Brand Sucks

First off, a brand is not a logo.  A brand is about the emotional…

2 Reasons Why You Will Never Be A Leader

I have been thinking a lot about leadership lately.  Between…

5 Secrets To Starting An Influencer Relations Program

Let’s face it!  We all want to be associated with people who…

8 Simple Ways to Cut Customer Service Costs (Hint: Use Pinterest)

Simplicity.  We all want simplicity, right?  As customers we…

10 Ways to Avoid Looking Like a Jerk When Using Email

We all know people who would rather email than pick up the phone…

How Eating Haggis Makes You A Great Lover, Scholar and Business Person

You have heard Mike Myers say, “If it isn’t Scottish, it…

The #1 Reason You Need to Hire for Experience Versus Inexperience

I have been working with a number of clients lately who are really…

10 Ways to Avoid Looking Silly on LinkedIn

LinkedIn continues to grow in popularity and is used by more…

Sex, Drugs & Rock n’Roll? How About Smart Technology, Ethics and Privacy?

Sure, sex sells and drugs and rock n’ roll still elicit a raised…

Marketing Advice or Snake Oil: When to Walk Away (or Run)

I have worked in the management consulting/marketing/PR industry…

The #1 Way to Build Your Sales (Hint: Hire A CMO)

Great companies stack their C-suite with the best people they…

6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2014

Every day marketers are looking for the next big thing. Knowing…

My 6 Must Reads from 2013

I don’t make New Years resolutions.  I don’t believe in…

What Canada’s New Anti Spam Law Means For Marketers (Even in the US)

Do you have customers in Canada?  Do you email your customers? …

Will 2013 Political Antics Result in an Abysmal 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer?

Like many in the Marketing, PR and business world, I am anxiously…

Good Customer Service Includes Having The Guts to Admit You Messed Up

It takes a lot for me to write a blog post discussing how a company…

3 Tips Smart Content Marketers Can Learn From Downton Abbey

If you haven’t heard of Downton Abbey by now I am not sure…

3 Ways to P!$$ Off Your Customers – Keurig Canada Customer Service #Failure

Customer service is not something that you expect some of the…

Marketing Challenges of 2014: The Influencers Weigh-in

If 2013 taught us anything, content marketing is not going anywhere. …

It’s Dec 26th – 20 Updates to Make to Your Profiles

Not everyone is recovering from Christmas Day or enjoying Boxing…

3 Critical Communication Tips Utilities Need During Storms

Blizzards, hurricanes, tornados, flooding — you name it and…

Don’t Be Stupid: Social Media Can Get You Fired

It’s time to grow up and face the fact that social media, or…

3 Tips to Fix Your #Failed Mobile Marketing

According to a 2013 Pew Internet study, 56% of Americans own…

7 Considerations To Choose the Right Corporate Spokesperson

The choice of corporate spokesperson should never be taken lightly.…

You Are Rude, Don’t Blame Your Job

In this always-on fast-paced world we are all super connected…

7 Ways to Creep Out Your Customers with Direct Marketing Campaigns

As a professional marketer, I thought that I had seen it all…

5 Brilliant Tips from Content Marketing Experts

Content marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways…

5 Ways Small Business Can Leverage Social Media for Real-time Market Research

As a small business owner and a professional Marketing and Communications…

Your Employees’ Lack of Manners is Costing You Money

Customer service is not just about how you "appear" on line. …

Women, Persons Under the Law

In honour of this day in 1929 when women became persons under…

5 Reasons “Share If You Agree” Posts Drive Me Crazy

You know these Facebook posts.  The ones that profess love for…

3 Things We Can Learn From Angela Ahrendts Jump to Apple

There is no question that Angela Ahrendts has a lot of street…

10 Business Tips From Canada’s Etiquette Guy – Jay Remer

For those of you rolling your eyes right now, I challenge you!…

3 Ways Color Can Influence Buying Behavior

There are many things that influence human behavior and color…

6 Communications Lessons from the Big Bang Theory

More and more I enjoy the Big Bang Theory, and no it is not because…

3 Reasons A 5-Year Career Plan is full of $#!+

Remember way back, when there was an established line of questioning…

5 Sales Pitch Lessons from the Shark Tank

Developing a sales pitch is both complex and time consuming.…

5 Tips for Students to Avoid Looking Like an Ass When Job Hunting

Whether you are in your first year of college or university,…

3 Things the Jimmy Kimmel Twerking Prank Should Teach Us

Jimmy Kimmel did a fantastic job pranking the world.  Yes, the…

5 Tips for Small Business Owners To Pick a Content Marketing Expert

Content marketing continues to grow and for good reason. It enables…

12 Reasons to Do a Communications Audit Immediately

Communications is at the core of success and therefore, a periodic…

25 Cool Online Resources to Grow Your Business

Small and medium business owners are always on the lookout for…

BOOK REVIEW: Danny Brown & Sam Fiorella’s Influence Marketing

I love that I get the chance to meet really smart, interesting…

3 Performance Killers Leaders Should Watch for and Stop

Performance killers are a reality, but it is up to an organization's…

7 Reasons to Use Twitter

People Ask Me:  What Social Network Should I Use? Which…

People Ask Me: How Do I Know What to Tweet?

More and more people are asking me questions about how to do…

The Ostrich Effect

In my last blog posting I spoke of people, in general, having…

Communicating in the age of mistrust

Perhaps the fact that organizations like Edleman’s looks at…

Role of Email

Like it or not, email continues to have a role in our lives. For…

Trust…the continuing saga

Why is it that we cannot trust?  What has happened in our culture…

Trust…From the Employer Perspective

Being able to trust, or not trust, is not just an issue for…

What kind of Social Organization do you want to be?

So, we have already established that companies need to be involved…

Do we trust? What does the research say?

Trust.  Now there is a word. Trust.  Who do you trust?  At…

Two-way dialogue, the New Paradigm

Let me start off by saying that I truly believe that this is…

Traditional Marketing and Communications

To fully appreciate the power of Social Media, we first need…

Delving into Social Media?

Thinking about your company taking the plunge and getting to…

What my clients say about me and my work

Enrique is awesome to work with. Incredibly talented, easy to communicate with, responsive with next iterations, and beautiful work. Highly recommended!

We are very pleased with our new brand identity and the way Enrique conducts his business. It has been a great experience working with him and it’s already certain that we will hire him again.

Here is a list of things I can do for you

Web Design

Cras dapibus. Vivamus elem nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, port.

Web Development

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nut massa quis enim

24/7 Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aene ligula eget dolor.

SEO Consulting

Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Social Media

Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aeneart.


Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Cras dapibus.

Please contact us for more information:

Or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+:

Recent blog posts (v2)

Facebook and Facial Recognition? A Bad Combination!

If we have learned anything over the years, social media platforms,…
October 1, 2019/by Heather-Anne MacLean

Six Things to Do When Your Bank Has Been Hacked

Each day we hear about different companies that have experienced a hack or data breach. Somehow however, when we learn it is was bank that was hacked, it is quite different. Many more of us become very concerned for our privacy and more importantly, we become extremely concerned about our financial security. Rightly so. Our […]
September 24, 2019/by Heather-Anne MacLean

Hundreds of Thousands of Good Paying Jobs! Are you in?

Does this headline seem like a sales pitch that is too good to be true? You might think so, but it is not. The fact is each day organizations – small, medium, large, for profit, not-for-profit, etc. are in need for cybersecurity professionals. As October is cybersecurity awareness month, I wanted to highlight the opportunities […]
August 15, 2019/by Heather-Anne MacLean

Book Review: The President is Missing

I don’t normally do a book review on a piece of fiction on this blog, however, I am making an exception this time as there is a definite connection to cybersecurity, privacy and trust. I picked up this book as I needed a book for my vacation. I had originally picked up The Woman in […]
August 9, 2019/by Heather-Anne MacLean

Data Privacy, Breaches and the Impact on Your Bottom Line

Why Boards of Directors Are Losing Sleep Over Data Breaches   Like many news stories, we become numb to the constant barrage of data breaches and begin to think that it is both normal and acceptable. In fact, just last month it was revealed that thousands of patient records were held for ransom in Ontario […]
August 1, 2018/by Heather-Anne MacLean

BOOK REVIEW: Have You Been Hacked Yet?

There is no shortage of books on the market about cybersecurity. Some detail cyberattacks. Some detail the history of cybersecurity or cyber warfare. And of course, there are more and more books emerging on how to protect yourself online. This latest book review is on Have You Been Hacked Yet? By Dr. Natalia Stakhanova.  Dr. Stakhanova is […]
June 20, 2018/by Heather-Anne MacLean
© Taylor Made Solutions, Inc.